If you are a student interested in participating in a semester abroad in an engineering or architecture program in a member University of the Network, please contact the Internationalization Office in your university to receive additional information.
Find below what other students have said about their academic adventure abroad!

Tomás Emilio Murphy
Host University: Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa
"I really appreciate having been able to make an exchange and especially at IST. I was able to study subjects related to my field of studies with a different approach from the one given at my home university while at the same time I was able to learn about the lifestyle in Portugal. What I value the most, is the new people I met along the way. I hope to return sometime and I highly recommend the experience."
Ellen Palm
Host University: Universidad Técnica Federico
Santa Maria
"I wanted to improve my Spanish and test my limits by living and studying in a foreign language and country. It was really easy to integrate and makefriends. This made my studies abroad experience absolutely amazing."

Veronica Kocourek
Host University: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
"The best semester ever! I had the opportunity to meet people from many parts of the world, to see how the education in Europe is like and to experience the lifestyle of such a cosmopolitan city as Madrid. I was able to travel within Spain and other European countries. I was always surrounded by friends and therefore was able to experience new adventures, definitely very different from the routine of Buenos Aires. "
María Benítez Casucci
Host University: Politecnico di Torino
"It was an incredible experience, unbeatable, that shaped my personality both on a human and professional level."

Sarka Konasova
Host University: Universidad
Tecnológica de Panamá (UTP)
"This experience allowed me to widen my global perspective in ways I did not think were possible. It was the first time I studied and lived so far away from my home. The studies revealed to me that living abroad also develops personal skills. I became independent in the new environment, where I adapted to cultural differences. I consider my exchange experience with Magalhães to be the best time of my studies. You have possibility to improve language skills, to learn how to study and live abroad and to meet many interesting people from the whole world."
Alexander Slivinskiy
Host University: Technical University of Munich (TUM)
"The buddies program was very good, the teachers helped the exchange students a lot and I loved it."

Testimonio Guillermina Bond (1)


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